Source code for pyEdgeEval.edge_tools.mask2edge_loop

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import numpy as np

from pyEdgeEval.preprocess import binary_thin
from pyEdgeEval.utils import mask2bdry

__all__ = [

[docs]def loop_mask2edge( mask, ignore_indices, radius, thin=False, use_cv2=True, quality=0, ): """mask2edge with looping""" assert mask.ndim == 3 num_labels, h, w = mask.shape # make ignore mask ignore_mask = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8) for i in ignore_indices: ignore_mask += mask[i] edges = np.zeros_like(mask) for label in range(num_labels): m = mask[label] if label in ignore_indices: continue # if there are no class labels in the mask if not np.count_nonzero(m): continue edge = mask2bdry( mask=m, ignore_mask=ignore_mask, radius=radius, use_cv2=use_cv2, quality=quality, ) # thin the boundaries if thin: edge = binary_thin(edge).astype(np.uint8) edges[label] = edge return edges
[docs]def loop_instance_mask2edge( mask, inst_mask, inst_labelIds, ignore_indices, radius, thin=False, use_cv2=True, quality=0, ): """mask2edge with looping (instance sensitive)""" assert mask.ndim == 3 num_labels, h, w = mask.shape # make ignore mask ignore_mask = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8) for i in ignore_indices: ignore_mask += mask[i] # make sure that instance labels are sorted inst_labels = sorted(inst_labelIds) # create a lookup dictionary {label: [instances]} label_inst = {} _cand_insts = np.unique(inst_mask) for inst_label in _cand_insts: if inst_label < inst_labels[0] * 1000: # 24000 continue _label = int(str(inst_label)[:2]) _inst = int(str(inst_label)[2:]) if _label not in label_inst.keys(): label_inst[_label] = [_inst] else: label_inst[_label].append(_inst) args = dict( radius=radius, use_cv2=use_cv2, quality=quality, ) edges = np.zeros_like(mask) for label in range(num_labels): m = mask[label] if label in ignore_indices: continue # if there are no class labels in the mask if not np.count_nonzero(m): continue dist = mask2bdry(mask=m, ignore_mask=ignore_mask, **args) # per instance boundaries if label in label_inst.keys(): instances = label_inst[label] # list for instance in instances: iid = int(str(label) + str(instance).zfill(3)) _mask = inst_mask == iid dist = dist | mask2bdry( mask=_mask, ignore_mask=ignore_mask, **args, ) # thin the boundaries if thin: dist = binary_thin(dist).astype(np.uint8) edges[label] = dist return edges