Source code for pyEdgeEval.utils.timer

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.

"""Modified from mmcv.utils

- no changes

from time import time

[docs]class TimerError(Exception): def __init__(self, message): self.message = message super(TimerError, self).__init__(message)
[docs]class Timer: """A flexible Timer class. Examples: >>> import time >>> from .timer import Timer >>> with Timer(): >>> # simulate a code block that will run for 1s >>> time.sleep(1) 1.000 >>> with Timer(print_tmpl='it takes {:.1f} seconds'): >>> # simulate a code block that will run for 1s >>> time.sleep(1) it takes 1.0 seconds >>> timer = Timer() >>> time.sleep(0.5) >>> print(timer.since_start()) 0.500 >>> time.sleep(0.5) >>> print(timer.since_last_check()) 0.500 >>> print(timer.since_start()) 1.000 """ def __init__(self, start=True, print_tmpl=None): self._is_running = False self.print_tmpl = print_tmpl if print_tmpl else "{:.3f}" if start: self.start() @property def is_running(self): """bool: indicate whether the timer is running""" return self._is_running def __enter__(self): self.start() return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): print(self.print_tmpl.format(self.since_last_check())) self._is_running = False
[docs] def start(self): """Start the timer.""" if not self._is_running: self._t_start = time() self._is_running = True self._t_last = time()
[docs] def since_start(self): """Total time since the timer is started. Returns: float: Time in seconds. """ if not self._is_running: raise TimerError("timer is not running") self._t_last = time() return self._t_last - self._t_start
[docs] def since_last_check(self): """Time since the last checking. Either :func:`since_start` or :func:`since_last_check` is a checking operation. Returns: float: Time in seconds. """ if not self._is_running: raise TimerError("timer is not running") dur = time() - self._t_last self._t_last = time() return dur
_g_timers = {} # global timers
[docs]def check_time(timer_id): """Add check points in a single line. This method is suitable for running a task on a list of items. A timer will be registered when the method is called for the first time. Examples: >>> import time >>> from .timer import check_time >>> for i in range(1, 6): >>> # simulate a code block >>> time.sleep(i) >>> check_time('task1') 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000 Args: str: Timer identifier. """ if timer_id not in _g_timers: _g_timers[timer_id] = Timer() return 0 else: return _g_timers[timer_id].since_last_check()