Source code for pyEdgeEval.utils.mat_utils

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os

# libraries used for .mat io
from import loadmat as scipy_loadmat
from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix

    # prefer `pymatreader`
    from pymatreader import read_mat as new_loadmat
except ImportError:
        from mat73 import loadmat as new_loadmat
    except ImportError:
        print("WARN: cannot load newer versions of .mat files")
        new_loadmat = None

[docs]def loadmat( path: str, use_mat73: bool = False, ): assert os.path.exists(path), f"{path} doesn't exist" if use_mat73: assert ( new_loadmat is not None ), "ERR: need modules that can load newer .mat" mat = new_loadmat(path) else: mat = scipy_loadmat(path) return mat
[docs]def sparse2numpy(data: csc_matrix): """helper function to convert compressed sparse column matrix to numpy array""" assert isinstance( data, csc_matrix ), f"ERR: input is not csc_matrix, but got {type(data)}" return data.toarray()