Source code for pyEdgeEval.preprocess.thin.thin

#!/usr/bin/env python3

"""Credit to @Britefury

import numpy as np

# Thinning morphological operation applied using lookup tables.
# We convert the 3x3 neighbourhood surrounding a pixel to an index
# used to lookup the output in a lookup table.

# Bit masks for each neighbour
#   1   2   4
#   8  16  32
#  64 128 256

# Masks in a list
# MASKS[0] = centre
# MASKS[1..8] = start from east, counter-clockwise

# Constant listing all indices
_LUT_INDS = np.arange(512)

[docs]def binary_image_to_lut_indices(x): """ Convert a binary image to an index image that can be used with a lookup table to perform morphological operations. Non-zero elements in the image are interpreted as 1, zero elements as 0 Args: x (np.ndarray): a 2D NumPy array Returns: np.ndarray: a 2D NumPy array, same shape as x """ if x.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("x should have 2 dimensions, not {}".format(x.ndim)) # If the dtype of x is not bool, convert if x.dtype != bool: x = x != 0 # Add x = np.pad(x, [(1, 1), (1, 1)], mode="constant") # Convert to LUT indices lut_indices = ( x[:-2, :-2] * NEIGH_MASK_NORTH_WEST + x[:-2, 1:-1] * NEIGH_MASK_NORTH + x[:-2, 2:] * NEIGH_MASK_NORTH_EAST + x[1:-1, :-2] * NEIGH_MASK_WEST + x[1:-1, 1:-1] * NEIGH_MASK_CENTRE + x[1:-1, 2:] * NEIGH_MASK_EAST + x[2:, :-2] * NEIGH_MASK_SOUTH_WEST + x[2:, 1:-1] * NEIGH_MASK_SOUTH + x[2:, 2:] * NEIGH_MASK_SOUTH_EAST ) return lut_indices.astype(np.int32)
[docs]def apply_lut(x, lut): """ Perform a morphological operation on the binary image x using the supplied lookup table Args: x: input array lut: lookup table """ if lut.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("lut should have 1 dimension, not {}".format(lut.ndim)) if lut.shape[0] != 512: raise ValueError( "lut should have 512 entries, not {}".format(lut.shape[0]) ) lut_indices = binary_image_to_lut_indices(x) return lut[lut_indices]
[docs]def identity_lut(): """Create identity lookup tablef""" lut = np.zeros((512,), dtype=bool) inds = np.arange(512) lut[(inds & NEIGH_MASK_CENTRE) != 0] = True return lut
def _lut_mutate_mask(lut): """ Get a mask that shows which neighbourhood shapes result in changes to the image Args: lut: lookup table Returns: mask indicating which lookup indices result in changes """ return lut != identity_lut()
[docs]def lut_masks_zero(neigh): """ Create a LUT index mask for which the specified neighbour is 0 Args: neigh: neighbour index; counter-clockwise from 1 staring at the eastern neighbour Returns: a LUT index mask """ if neigh > 8: neigh -= 8 return (_LUT_INDS & MASKS[neigh]) == 0
[docs]def lut_masks_one(neigh): """ Create a LUT index mask for which the specified neighbour is 1 Args: neigh: neighbour index; counter-clockwise from 1 staring at the eastern neighbour Returns: a LUT index mask """ if neigh > 8: neigh -= 8 return (_LUT_INDS & MASKS[neigh]) != 0
def _thin_cond_g1(): """ Thinning morphological operation; condition G1 Returns: a LUT index mask """ b = np.zeros(512, dtype=int) for i in range(1, 5): b += lut_masks_zero(2 * i - 1) & ( lut_masks_one(2 * i) | lut_masks_one(2 * i + 1) ) return b == 1 def _thin_cond_g2(): """ Thinning morphological operation; condition G2 Returns: a LUT index mask """ n1 = np.zeros(512, dtype=int) n2 = np.zeros(512, dtype=int) for k in range(1, 5): n1 += lut_masks_one(2 * k - 1) | lut_masks_one(2 * k) n2 += lut_masks_one(2 * k) | lut_masks_one(2 * k + 1) m = np.minimum(n1, n2) return (m >= 2) & (m <= 3) def _thin_cond_g3(): """ Thinning morphological operation; condition G3 Returns: a LUT index mask """ return ( (lut_masks_one(2) | lut_masks_one(3) | lut_masks_zero(8)) & lut_masks_one(1) ) == 0 def _thin_cond_g3_prime(): """ Thinning morphological operation; condition G3' :return: a LUT index mask """ return ( (lut_masks_one(6) | lut_masks_one(7) | lut_masks_zero(4)) & lut_masks_one(5) ) == 0 def _thin_iter_1_lut(): """ Thinning morphological operation; lookup table for iteration 1 Returns: lookup table """ lut = identity_lut() cond = _thin_cond_g1() & _thin_cond_g2() & _thin_cond_g3() lut[cond] = False return lut def _thin_iter_2_lut(): """ Thinning morphological operation; lookup table for iteration 2 Returns: lookup table """ lut = identity_lut() cond = _thin_cond_g1() & _thin_cond_g2() & _thin_cond_g3_prime() lut[cond] = False return lut
[docs]def binary_thin(x, max_iter=None): """ Binary thinning morphological operation Args: x: a binary image, or an image that is to be converted to a binary image max_iter (Optional[int]): maximum number of iterations; default is ``None`` that results in an infinite number of iterations (note that ``binary_thin`` will automatically terminate when no more changes occur) Returns: bool mask """ thin1 = _thin_iter_1_lut() thin2 = _thin_iter_2_lut() thin1_mut = _lut_mutate_mask(thin1) thin2_mut = _lut_mutate_mask(thin2) iter_count = 0 while max_iter is None or iter_count < max_iter: # Iter 1 lut_indices = binary_image_to_lut_indices(x) x_mut = thin1_mut[lut_indices] if x_mut.sum() == 0: break x = thin1[lut_indices] # Iter 2 lut_indices = binary_image_to_lut_indices(x) x_mut = thin2_mut[lut_indices] if x_mut.sum() == 0: break x = thin2[lut_indices] iter_count += 1 return x