Source code for pyEdgeEval.preprocess.nms.toolbox

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np
from scipy import signal

[docs]def conv_tri( image: np.ndarray, r: int, s: int = 1, ) -> np.ndarray: """2D image convolution with a triangle filter (no fast) See Note: signal.convolve2d does not support float16('single' in MATLAB) """ if image.size == 0 or (r == 0 and s == 1): return image if r <= 1: p = 12 / r / (r + 2) - 2 f = np.array([[1, p, 1]]) / (2 + p) r = 1 else: f = ( np.array([list(range(1, r + 1)) + [r + 1] + list(range(r, 0, -1))]) / (r + 1) ** 2 ) f = f.astype(image.dtype) image = np.pad(image, ((r, r), (r, r)), mode="symmetric") # FIXME: remove scipy dependencies image = signal.convolve2d( signal.convolve2d(image, f, "valid"), f.T, "valid" ) if s > 1: t = int(np.floor(s / 2) + 1) image = image[ t - 1 : image.shape[0] - (s - t) + 1 : s, t - 1 : image.shape[1] - (s - t) + 1 : s, ] return image
[docs]def grad2(image: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """numerical gradients along x and y directions (no fast) See Note: np.gradient return [oy, ox], MATLAB version return [ox, oy] """ assert image.ndim == 2 oy, ox = np.gradient(image) return ox, oy