Source code for pyEdgeEval.evaluators.otf_cityscapes

#!/usr/bin/env python3

"""On-The-Fly Evaluator

- lazy generation of GTs
- if the scale is half (0.5), the output is generally the same as `HalfCityscapesEvaluator`

import os.path as osp

from pyEdgeEval.common.multi_label import (
from pyEdgeEval.datasets import otf_cityscapes_eval_single
from pyEdgeEval.utils import print_log

from .cityscapes import CityscapesEvaluator

[docs]class OTFCityscapesEvaluator(CityscapesEvaluator): """On-The-Fly cityscapes dataset evaluator - On-The-Fly (OTF) creation of GT edges - needs GT segmentation and instance maps - Scales the masks first before generating the edges - non-OTF could create edges that are too thin if scaled down """ # Dataset specific attributes SEG_SUFFIX = "_gtFine_labelIds.png" INST_SUFFIX = "_gtFine_instanceIds.png" @property def eval_params(self): # Hard-coded radius if self.thin: radius = 1 else: radius = 2 return dict( scale=self.scale, apply_thinning=self.apply_thinning, apply_nms=self.apply_nms, max_dist=self.max_dist, kill_internal=self.kill_internal, skip_if_nonexistent=self.skip_if_nonexistent, radius=radius, num_labels=34, ignore_labels=[2, 3], num_classes=len(self.CLASSES), # not used )
[docs] def evaluate_category( self, category, thresholds, nproc, save_dir, ): self._before_evaluation() assert ( 0 < category < len(self.CLASSES) + 1 ), f"ERR: category={category} is not in range ({len(self.CLASSES) + 1})" # create data data = [] for sample_name in self.sample_names: # FIXME: naming scheme differs sometimes category_dir = f"class_{str(category).zfill(3)}" # GT file paths seg_path = osp.join( self.gtFine_root, f"{sample_name}{self.SEG_SUFFIX}", ) assert osp.exists(seg_path), f"ERR: {seg_path} is not valid" if self.instance_sensitive: inst_path = osp.join( self.gtFine_root, f"{sample_name}{self.INST_SUFFIX}", ) assert osp.exists(inst_path), f"ERR: {inst_path} is not valid" else: inst_path = None # prediction file path # sample_name = sample_name.split("/")[1] # assert city/img pred_path = osp.join( self.pred_root, category_dir, f"{sample_name}{self.PRED_SUFFIX}", ) data.append( dict( name=sample_name, category=category, thresholds=thresholds, # file paths seg_path=seg_path, inst_path=inst_path, pred_path=pred_path, **self.eval_params, ) ) assert len(data) > 0, "ERR: no evaluation data" # evaluate (sample_metrics, threshold_metrics, overall_metric) = calculate_metrics( eval_single=otf_cityscapes_eval_single, thresholds=thresholds, samples=data, nproc=nproc, ) # save metrics if save_dir: print_log("Saving category results", logger=self._logger) save_category_results( root=save_dir, category=category, sample_metrics=sample_metrics, threshold_metrics=threshold_metrics, overall_metric=overall_metric, ) return overall_metric