Source code for pyEdgeEval.evaluators.half_cityscapes

#!/usr/bin/env python3

"""Cityscapes Evaluator with forced half scale

Need to create half scale edge GTs with the prefix `_half_edge.png`

This is different from CASENet, SEAL, and DFF way of evaluating.

The evaluation outcomes are generally lower because we have lower recall.

from pyEdgeEval.utils import print_log

from .cityscapes import CityscapesEvaluator

[docs]class HalfCityscapesEvaluator(CityscapesEvaluator): """Half-scale Cityscapes dataset evaluator - used GTs that are preprocessed to half scale - half scale evaluations are common for this dataset to speed up the process """ # Dataset specific attributes RAW_EDGE_SUFFIX = "_gtProc_half_raw_edge.png" THIN_EDGE_SUFFIX = "_gtProc_half_thin_edge.png" RAW_ISEDGE_SUFFIX = "_gtProc_half_raw_isedge.png" THIN_ISEDGE_SUFFIX = "_gtProc_half_thin_isedge.png"
[docs] def set_eval_params( self, eval_mode=None, apply_thinning: bool = False, apply_nms: bool = False, instance_sensitive: bool = True, max_dist: float = 0.0035, skip_if_nonexistent: bool = False, kill_internal: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> None: self.apply_thinning = apply_thinning self.apply_nms = apply_nms if eval_mode == "pre-seal": print_log("Using Pre-SEAL params", logger=self._logger) assert ( not instance_sensitive ), "Pre-SEAL configuration doesn't support instance sensitive edges" self.max_dist = 0.02 self.kill_internal = True self.skip_if_nonexistent = True self.instance_sensitive = False elif eval_mode == "post-seal": print_log("Using Post-SEAL params", logger=self._logger) print_log(f"Using max_dist: {max_dist}", logger=self._logger) print_log( f"Using instance sensitive={instance_sensitive}", logger=self._logger, ) self.max_dist = max_dist if instance_sensitive: # instance-sensitive self.instance_sensitive = True self.kill_internal = False self.skip_if_nonexistent = False else: self.instance_sensitive = False self.kill_internal = True self.skip_if_nonexistent = True else: print_log("Using custom params", logger=self._logger) self.max_dist = max_dist self.kill_internal = kill_internal self.skip_if_nonexistent = skip_if_nonexistent self.instance_sensitive = instance_sensitive if self.kill_internal and self.instance_sensitive: print_log( "kill_internal and instance_sensitive are both True which will conflict with each either", logger=self._logger, )
@property def eval_params(self): return dict( scale=1, # don't tamper with scale since we're using half scale already apply_thinning=self.apply_thinning, apply_nms=self.apply_nms, max_dist=self.max_dist, kill_internal=self.kill_internal, skip_if_nonexistent=self.skip_if_nonexistent, num_classes=len(self.CLASSES), )