Source code for pyEdgeEval.evaluators.cityscapes

#!/usr/bin/env python3

"""Cityscapes Evaluator

The original evaluator where GTs are downsampled (interpolated) from full scale.

import os.path as osp

from pyEdgeEval.common.multi_label import (
from pyEdgeEval.datasets import cityscapes_eval_single
from pyEdgeEval.utils import print_log

from .base import BaseMultilabelEvaluator

[docs]class CityscapesEvaluator(BaseMultilabelEvaluator): """Cityscapes dataset evaluator""" # Dataset specific attributes CLASSES = ( "road", "sidewalk", "building", "wall", "fence", "pole", "traffic light", "traffic sign", "vegetation", "terrain", "sky", "person", "rider", "car", "truck", "bus", "train", "motorcycle", "bicycle", ) GT_DIR = "gtEval" ORIG_GT_DIR = "gtFine" EDGE_SUFFIX = None ISEDGE_SUFFIX = None RAW_EDGE_SUFFIX = "_gtProc_raw_edge.png" THIN_EDGE_SUFFIX = "_gtProc_thin_edge.png" RAW_ISEDGE_SUFFIX = "_gtProc_raw_isedge.png" THIN_ISEDGE_SUFFIX = "_gtProc_thin_isedge.png" SEG_SUFFIX = "_gtFine_labelTrainIds.png" PRED_SUFFIX = "_leftImg8bit.png" def __init__( self, dataset_root: str, pred_root: str, split: str = "val", thin: bool = False, gt_dir=None, pred_suffix=None, **kwargs, ): self.dataset_root = dataset_root self.pred_root = pred_root assert split in ("val", "test") self.split = split self.thin = thin if self.thin: print_log( "Using `thin` mode; setting the suffix respectively", logger=self._logger, ) self.EDGE_SUFFIX = self.THIN_EDGE_SUFFIX self.ISEDGE_SUFFIX = self.THIN_ISEDGE_SUFFIX else: print_log( "Using `raw` mode; setting the suffix respectively", logger=self._logger, ) self.EDGE_SUFFIX = self.RAW_EDGE_SUFFIX self.ISEDGE_SUFFIX = self.RAW_ISEDGE_SUFFIX # change dataset directory and suffix if gt_dir: print_log(f"changing GT_DIR to {gt_dir}", logger=self._logger) self.GT_DIR = gt_dir if pred_suffix: print_log( f"changing PRED_SUFFIX to {pred_suffix}", logger=self._logger ) self.PRED_SUFFIX = pred_suffix # set parameters self.gtEval_root = osp.join(self.dataset_root, self.GT_DIR, self.split) self.gtFine_root = osp.join( self.dataset_root, self.ORIG_GT_DIR, self.split ) # we can try to load some sample names try: self.set_sample_names() except Exception: print_log( "Tried to set sample_names, but couldn't", logger=self._logger, )
[docs] def set_sample_names(self, sample_names=None, split_file=None): """priortizes `sample_names` more than `split_file`""" if sample_names is None: # load sample_names from split file if split_file is None: split_file = osp.join( self.dataset_root, f"splits/{self.split}.txt" ) assert osp.exists(split_file), f"ERR: {split_file} does not exist!" print_log(f"Loading samples from {split_file}", logger=self._logger) with open(split_file, "r") as f: sample_names = assert isinstance( sample_names, list ), f"ERR: sample_names should be a list but got {type(sample_names)}" assert len(sample_names) > 0, "ERR: sample_names is empty" self._sample_names = ( sample_names # setting new object to potentially mutable attribute )
[docs] def set_pred_suffix(self, suffix: str): print_log( f"Changing pred suffix from {self.PRED_SUFFIX} to {suffix}", logger=self._logger, ) self.PRED_SUFFIX = suffix
[docs] def set_eval_params( self, eval_mode=None, scale: float = 0.5, apply_thinning: bool = False, apply_nms: bool = False, instance_sensitive: bool = True, max_dist: float = 0.0035, skip_if_nonexistent: bool = False, kill_internal: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> None: assert 0 < scale <= 1, f"ERR: scale ({scale}) is not valid" self.scale = scale self.apply_thinning = apply_thinning self.apply_nms = apply_nms if eval_mode == "pre-seal": print_log("Using Pre-SEAL params", logger=self._logger) assert ( not instance_sensitive ), "Pre-SEAL configuration doesn't support instance sensitive edges" self.max_dist = 0.02 self.kill_internal = True self.skip_if_nonexistent = True self.instance_sensitive = False elif eval_mode == "post-seal": print_log("Using Post-SEAL params", logger=self._logger) print_log(f"Using max_dist: {max_dist}", logger=self._logger) print_log( f"Using instance sensitive={instance_sensitive}", logger=self._logger, ) self.max_dist = max_dist if instance_sensitive: # instance-sensitive self.instance_sensitive = True self.kill_internal = False self.skip_if_nonexistent = False else: self.instance_sensitive = False self.kill_internal = True self.skip_if_nonexistent = True else: print_log("Using custom params", logger=self._logger) self.max_dist = max_dist self.kill_internal = kill_internal self.skip_if_nonexistent = skip_if_nonexistent self.instance_sensitive = instance_sensitive if self.kill_internal and self.instance_sensitive: print_log( "kill_internal and instance_sensitive are both True which will conflict with each either", logger=self._logger, )
@property def eval_params(self): return dict( scale=self.scale, apply_thinning=self.apply_thinning, apply_nms=self.apply_nms, max_dist=self.max_dist, kill_internal=self.kill_internal, skip_if_nonexistent=self.skip_if_nonexistent, num_classes=len(self.CLASSES), ) def _before_evaluation(self): assert ( self._sample_names is not None ), "ERR: no samples yet. load them before evaluation" assert osp.exists( self.dataset_root ), f"ERR: {self.dataset_root} does not exist" assert osp.exists( self.gtEval_root ), f"ERR: {self.gtEval_root} does not exist" assert osp.exists( self.gtFine_root ), f"ERR: {self.gtFine_root} does not exist" assert osp.exists( self.pred_root ), f"ERR: {self.pred_root} does not exist"
[docs] def evaluate_category( self, category, thresholds, nproc, save_dir, ): self._before_evaluation() assert ( 0 < category < len(self.CLASSES) + 1 ), f"ERR: category={category} is not in range ({len(self.CLASSES) + 1})" # create data data = [] for sample_name in self.sample_names: # FIXME: naming scheme differs sometimes category_dir = f"class_{str(category).zfill(3)}" # GT file paths if self.instance_sensitive: edge_path = osp.join( self.gtEval_root, f"{sample_name}{self.ISEDGE_SUFFIX}", ) else: edge_path = osp.join( self.gtEval_root, f"{sample_name}{self.EDGE_SUFFIX}", ) seg_path = osp.join( self.gtEval_root, f"{sample_name}{self.SEG_SUFFIX}", ) assert osp.exists(edge_path), f"ERR: {edge_path} is not valid" assert osp.exists(seg_path), f"ERR: {seg_path} is not valid" # prediction file path # sample_name = sample_name.split("/")[1] # assert city/img pred_path = osp.join( self.pred_root, category_dir, f"{sample_name}{self.PRED_SUFFIX}", ) data.append( dict( name=sample_name, category=category, thresholds=thresholds, # file paths edge_path=edge_path, seg_path=seg_path, pred_path=pred_path, **self.eval_params, ) ) assert len(data) > 0, "ERR: no evaluation data" # evaluate (sample_metrics, threshold_metrics, overall_metric) = calculate_metrics( eval_single=cityscapes_eval_single, thresholds=thresholds, samples=data, nproc=nproc, ) # save metrics if save_dir: print_log("Saving category results", logger=self._logger) save_category_results( root=save_dir, category=category, sample_metrics=sample_metrics, threshold_metrics=threshold_metrics, overall_metric=overall_metric, ) return overall_metric