Source code for pyEdgeEval.evaluators.bsds

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
import os.path as osp

from pyEdgeEval.common.binary_label import (
from pyEdgeEval.datasets import bsds_eval_single
from pyEdgeEval.utils import print_log

from .base import BaseBinaryEvaluator

[docs]class BSDS500Evaluator(BaseBinaryEvaluator): # Dataset specific attributes GT_DIR = "groundTruth" GT_SUFFIX = ".mat" PRED_SUFFIX = ".png" def __init__( self, dataset_root: str, pred_root: str, split: str = "test", ): self.dataset_root = dataset_root self.pred_root = pred_root assert split in ("val", "test") self.split = split self.GT_root = osp.join( self.dataset_root, self.GT_DIR, ) try: self.set_sample_names() except Exception: print_log( "Tried to set sample_names, but couldn't", logger=self._logger, )
[docs] def set_sample_names( self, sample_names=None, ): if sample_names is None: # load sample_names by going into the split file sample_names = [] # NOTE: for benchmark, there are no split bsds_dir = osp.join(self.GT_root, self.split) print_log(f"Loading samples from {bsds_dir}", logger=self._logger) files = os.listdir(osp.join(self.GT_root, self.split)) for fn in files: dir, filename = osp.split(fn) name, ext = osp.splitext(filename) if ext.lower() == ".mat": # split/12345.mat sample_names.append(osp.join(self.split, name)) assert isinstance( sample_names, list ), f"ERR: sample_names should be a list but got {type(sample_names)}" assert len(sample_names) > 0, "ERR: sample_names is empty" self._sample_names = sample_names
[docs] def set_eval_params( self, scale: float = 1.0, apply_thinning: bool = True, apply_nms: bool = False, max_dist: float = 0.0075, **kwargs, ) -> None: assert 0 < scale <= 1, f"ERR: scale ({scale}) is not valid" self.scale = scale self.apply_thinning = apply_thinning self.apply_nms = apply_nms self.max_dist = max_dist
@property def eval_params(self): return dict( scale=self.scale, apply_thinning=self.apply_thinning, apply_nms=self.apply_nms, max_dist=self.max_dist, ) def _before_evaluation(self): assert osp.exists( self.dataset_root ), f"ERR: {self.dataset_root} does not exist" assert osp.exists(self.GT_root), f"ERR: {self.GT_root} does not exist" assert osp.exists( self.pred_root ), f"ERR: {self.pred_root} does not exist"
[docs] def evaluate( self, thresholds, nproc, save_dir, no_split_dir=False, ): self._before_evaluation() # populate data (samples) data = [] for sample_name in self.sample_names: gt_path = osp.join(self.GT_root, f"{sample_name}{self.GT_SUFFIX}") if no_split_dir: _sample_name = sample_name.replace(f"{self.split}/", "") pred_path = osp.join( self.pred_root, f"{_sample_name}{self.PRED_SUFFIX}" ) else: pred_path = osp.join( self.pred_root, f"{sample_name}{self.PRED_SUFFIX}" ) assert osp.exists(gt_path), f"ERR: {gt_path} is not valid" assert osp.exists(pred_path), f"ERR: {pred_path} is not valid" data.append( dict( name=sample_name, thresholds=thresholds, gt_path=gt_path, pred_path=pred_path, **self.eval_params, ) ) assert len(data) > 0, "ERR: no evaluation data" # evaluate (sample_metrics, threshold_metrics, overall_metric) = calculate_metrics( eval_single=bsds_eval_single, thresholds=thresholds, samples=data, nproc=nproc, ) # save metrics if save_dir: print_log("Saving results", logger=self._logger) save_results( root=save_dir, sample_metrics=sample_metrics, threshold_metrics=threshold_metrics, overall_metric=overall_metric, ) # TODO: better printing metrics = [ "ODS_recall", "ODS_precision", "ODS_f1", "OIS_recall", "OIS_precision", "OIS_f1", "AP", ] print_log("Printing out Results:\n", logger=self._logger) for m in metrics: print_log(f"{m}:\t{overall_metric[m]}", logger=self._logger) return overall_metric