Source code for pyEdgeEval.datasets.generic_binary

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import numpy as np
from skimage.util import img_as_float
from import imread

from pyEdgeEval.common.binary_label.evaluate_boundaries import (
from pyEdgeEval.common.utils import check_thresholds
from pyEdgeEval.utils import loadmat

[docs]def load_bsds_gt_boundaries(path: str, new_loader: bool = False): """BSDS GT Boundaries - there are multiple boundaries because there are multiple annotators - uint8 """ if new_loader: from pymatreader import read_mat gt = read_mat(path)["groundTruth"] # list num_gts = len(gt) return [gt[i]["Boundaries"] for i in range(num_gts)] else: # FIXME: confusing data organization with scipy gt = loadmat(path, False)["groundTruth"] # np.ndarray num_gts = gt.shape[1] return [gt[0, i]["Boundaries"][0, 0] for i in range(num_gts)]
[docs]def load_predictions(path: str): img = imread(path) assert ( img.dtype == np.uint8 ), f"ERR: img needs to be uint8, but got{img.dtype}" return img_as_float(img)
def _evaluate_single( gt_path, pred_path, scale, max_dist, thresholds, apply_thinning, apply_nms, **kwargs, ): """Evaluate a single sample (sub-routine) NOTE: don't set defaults for easier debugging """ # checks and converts thresholds thresholds = check_thresholds(thresholds) pred = load_predictions(pred_path) gt = load_bsds_gt_boundaries(gt_path) # TODO: scale inputs # evaluate multi-label boundaries count_r, sum_r, count_p, sum_p = evaluate_boundaries_threshold( thresholds=thresholds, pred=pred, gt=gt, max_dist=max_dist, apply_thinning=apply_thinning, apply_nms=apply_nms, nms_kwargs=dict( r=1, s=5, m=1.01, half_prec=False, ), ) return count_r, sum_r, count_p, sum_p
[docs]def bsds_eval_single(kwargs): """Wrapper function to unpack all the kwargs""" return _evaluate_single(**kwargs)