Source code for pyEdgeEval.common.multi_label.edge_decoding

#!/usr/bin/env python3

"""Decoding functions for multi-label edges"""

import sys

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

[docs]def binary_multilabel_decoding( edge_path: str, h: int, w: int, num_classes: int, ): """Load binary file to edge map - Assumes that the input file is a 32-bit array - The saved file does not have shape information - output type is `uint32` TODO: currently not used (deprecated) """ # load from binary file b = np.fromfile(edge_path, dtype=np.uint32) if b.dtype.byteorder == ">" or ( b.dtype.byteorder == "=" and sys.byteorder == "big" ): b = b[:, ::-1] b = b.reshape(h, w)[:, :, None] # reshape and make it 3 channels # TODO: scale? ub = np.unpackbits( b.view(np.uint8), axis=2, count=num_classes, bitorder="little", ) edge = np.transpose(ub, (2, 0, 1)) return edge
[docs]def load_scaled_edge(edge_path: str, scale: float): """Load edge from file and scale it Returns: edge: PIL.Image.Image (height, width): tuple of int """ edge = (w, h) = edge.size # _edge = np.array(edge) # allocation costs # (h, w, _) = _edge.shape height, width = int(h * scale + 0.5), int(w * scale + 0.5) edge = edge.resize((width, height), Image.Resampling.NEAREST) return edge, (height, width)
[docs]def decode_png(edge: Image.Image, num_classes: int): """Decode png format Image into multi-label edge""" edge = np.array(edge, dtype=np.uint8) edge = np.unpackbits( edge, axis=2, )[:, :, -1 : -(num_classes + 1) : -1] edge = np.ascontiguousarray(edge.transpose(2, 0, 1)) return edge
[docs]def decode_tif(edge: Image.Image, num_classes: int): """Decode tif format Image into multi-label edge""" edge = np.array(edge).astype(np.uint32) # int32 -> uint32 edge = edge[:, :, None] edge = np.unpackbits( edge.view(np.uint8), axis=2, count=num_classes, bitorder="little", ) edge = np.ascontiguousarray(edge.transpose(2, 0, 1)) return edge