Source code for pyEdgeEval.common.multi_label.calculate_metrics

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import numpy as np

from pyEdgeEval.common.metrics import (
from pyEdgeEval.common.utils import check_thresholds
from pyEdgeEval.utils import (

__all__ = ["calculate_metrics"]

[docs]def calculate_metrics( eval_single, thresholds, samples, nproc=8, ): """Main function to calculate boundary metrics Args: eval_single (Callable): function that takes samples (dict) as input threhsolds (int, float, list, np.ndarray): thresholds used for evaluation samples (dict): list of dicts containing sample info nproc (int): integer that specifies the number of processes to spawn Returns: dict of metrics """ # initial run (process heavy) if nproc > 1: sample_metrics = track_parallel_progress( eval_single, samples, nproc=nproc, keep_order=True, ) else: sample_metrics = track_progress( eval_single, samples, ) # check and convert thresholds = check_thresholds(thresholds) # initialize array n_thresh = thresholds.shape[0] count_r_overall = np.zeros((n_thresh,)) sum_r_overall = np.zeros((n_thresh,)) count_p_overall = np.zeros((n_thresh,)) sum_p_overall = np.zeros((n_thresh,)) # OIS scores count_r_best = 0 sum_r_best = 0 count_p_best = 0 sum_p_best = 0 # calculate metrics sample_results = [] for sample_index, sample_data in enumerate(samples): count_r, sum_r, count_p, sum_p = sample_metrics[sample_index] count_r_overall += count_r sum_r_overall += sum_r count_p_overall += count_p sum_p_overall += sum_p # Compute precision, recall and F1 rec, prec, f1 = compute_rec_prec_f1(count_r, sum_r, count_p, sum_p) # best_thresh, best_rec, best_prec, best_f1 = interpolated_max_scores(thresholds, rec, prec) # Find best F1 score best_ndx = np.argmax(f1) # Gather OIS metrics count_r_best += count_r[best_ndx] sum_r_best += sum_r[best_ndx] count_p_best += count_p[best_ndx] sum_p_best += sum_p[best_ndx] sample_results.append( dict( name=sample_data["name"], threshold=thresholds[best_ndx], recall=rec[best_ndx], precision=prec[best_ndx], f1=f1[best_ndx], ) ) # Computer overall precision, recall and F1 rec_overall, prec_overall, f1_overall = compute_rec_prec_f1( count_r_overall, sum_r_overall, count_p_overall, sum_p_overall ) # Interpolated way to find ODS scores best_threshold, best_rec, best_prec, best_f1 = interpolated_max_scores( thresholds, rec_overall, prec_overall ) # Find best F1 score # best_i_ovr = np.argmax(f1_overall) threshold_results = [] for thresh_i in range(n_thresh): threshold_results.append( dict( threshold=thresholds[thresh_i], recall=rec_overall[thresh_i], precision=prec_overall[thresh_i], f1=f1_overall[thresh_i], ) ) # Calculate AUC prec_inc = 0.01 # hard-coded rec_unique, rec_unique_ndx = np.unique(rec_overall, return_index=True) prec_unique = prec_overall[rec_unique_ndx] if rec_unique.shape[0] > 1: prec_interp = np.interp( np.arange(0, 1, prec_inc), rec_unique, prec_unique, left=0.0, right=0.0, ) area_pr = prec_interp.sum() * prec_inc else: area_pr = 0.0 # Calculate AP ap = 0 for t in np.arange(0, 1, 0.01): _r = rec_overall >= t p = np.max(prec_overall[_r], initial=0) ap = ap + p / 101 # Calculate OIS metrics rec_best, prec_best, f1_best = compute_rec_prec_f1( float(count_r_best), float(sum_r_best), float(count_p_best), float(sum_p_best), ) overall_result = dict( ODS_threshold=best_threshold, ODS_recall=best_rec, ODS_precision=best_prec, ODS_f1=best_f1, OIS_recall=rec_best, OIS_precision=prec_best, OIS_f1=f1_best, AUC=area_pr, AP=ap, ) return sample_results, threshold_results, overall_result